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Validating Product Through Lean User Research

Validating Product  Through Lean User Research
  • 95423
  • 6:55
  • 21 day ago

Validating Product Through Lean User Research- Tomer has written an easy-to-read, step-by-step book with the best user research and product validation techniques such as Experience Sampling, Observation, Concierge MVP, A/B Testing, etc. Instead of just showing them, he defines which one is the right one .... Validating Product Ideas through Lean User Research by Tomer Sharon, understanding customers, hidden .... . If you are a product manager or developer, this book will help you learn techniques to find answers to your most burning questions .... Validating Product Ideas: Through Lean User Research. Do you want to know what your users think? If you are a product manager or developer, this book will help you .... This is the YouTube channel for the Rosenfeld Media book Validating Product Ideas Through Lean User Research by Tomer Sharon.Want to know what your users think.... These questions are a useful starting point for product managers and entrepreneurs to decide which user research method to use. It shows how research.... can help at different points. Do you want to know what your users think? If you are a product manager or developer, this book will help you learn the techniques to find the answers to your most pressing questions.... Validating Product Ideas Through Lean User Research by Tomer Sharon.... includes new methods for understanding customers.... gathering hidden insights and ultimately developing products.

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