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Tcm Ideas :Human Body As "Doctor "

Tcm Ideas :Human Body As
  • 157782
  • 5:50
  • 3 day ago

Tcm Ideas :Human Body As "Doctor "- This article addresses this issue from three perspectives: The understanding of the human body in TCM, the development of TCM .... TCM can be characterized as a holistic approach that emphasizes the integrity of the human body and the close relationship between human, social and natural life .... . Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is widely practiced for the regulation of physiological functions of the human body with the advantage of holistic concept .... . Traditional Chinese medicine is a system of medicine at least 23 centuries old that aims to prevent or cure diseases by maintaining or restoring the yinyang balance. Treatments include acupuncture, cupping, ..... TCM treats the person as a whole being, rather than looking at individual organs and symptoms. Treatments are often very specific and customized to each individual. TCM doctors like Yang are a.... TCM views the human body as a complex dynamic system and focuses on the balance of the human body with both its internal and external environment. Such a foundation.... The main idea of Chinese medicine is that people can increase or decrease various qis and parts of the body through various medical techniques to create a healthy yin-yang balance. How TCM ....

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